Tuesday, July 16, 2013

[20130716] - Farmhouse Porch Chat

{L}et's join Patrice on the farmhouse porch for a chat today. We get to ask Wendell a question today. Oh... you want to know who Wendell is? He's Patrice's horse. He's quite chatty dontcha know!

{H}ere's today's questions and my answers:
  1. Have you cooked any interesting dishes lately?
    I love to experiment with cooking. So, I consider all my dishes interesting. I have organic produce delivered bi-weekly. I have to create dishes out the produce. It helps that they also include recipe suggestions for at least two items.
  2. What question would you like to ask Wendell?
    Wendell, what's your favorite sweets? Because, I know you have a sweet-tooth.
  3. Have you had any thoughts of Christmas yet?
    Not really. I'm not much into the commercialism surrounding Christmas.
  4. Do you make jams and jellies?
    No. Unfortunately.
  5. Do you have any board games that you enjoy?
    Not at this time. However, when I was young I loved to play scrabble.


  1. I love Scrabble, too.

    I agree with you about the commercialism of Christmas. It has become all about "what am I going to get" instead of what was given to us by Him. That is sad.

    I hope that you have a great week!

  2. I joined a farm co-op and get fresh organic vegetables delivered weekly from June - December. I love it.

  3. We are eating lots of fresh veggies from the Farmer's garden.

  4. Hi, Kimberly! It's me. Wendell. :) I do have a sweet tooth. I actually have a mouthful of teeth. I wonder if they're all sweet. I just heard that I have 42 teeth. Wow! Thanks, Patrice. Anywhoa- my favorite sweet is a candy cane. Patrice won't let me have them very often. She says the sugar is bad for my teeth. If only I could brush those 42 pearlies. Thanks for asking. Horse hugs, Wendell

  5. i enjoy what you would ask Wendell. too cute. stay cool. very hot & humid around here. ( :
