Today's word prompt: Grace.
We all want favor. We seek it. We ask for it. We do everything in our power to get it. How can we acquire it?
There is a way to receive grace, unmerited. It is free to us. We don't need to pay anyone anything. We don't need to be anyone's slave.
Do you know how to receive this grace I speak of? I'll share with you how. It's not hard. It only costs you one thing. Not money.
We are all sinners, fallen from God's grace. In order to be reunited with God we must seek and accept the free gift of Jesus' salvation. Devote our lives to honoring Him and disciple others to do the same, living by example as a Child of the Most High King, Jesus.
There's no sin so bad that He won't accept you into His family. He forgives all sin for all time. He loves you and me. He wants to be in relationship with you. There's nothing sweeter than His grace. His warm loving arms to hold you when you need a hug because of bad day or something hurtful said or done to you.
All that is required is for you to simply come to Him and accept His free gift. He's waiting for you arms wide open.
Kimberly, you have nailed the salient truth about grace here. It is undeserved, unmerited and free. And we wonder at it each and every day as God reveals more depth of understanding and appreciation to us. Popping over to visit from #fiveminutefriday. It's good to meet you!Blessings :) x