Sunday, September 01, 2013

Sunday #36

Sunday... I came home from church... had lunch... read some articles online... had early dinner and sat with husband father-in-law while watching this strange movie about school kids. We're trying to stay cool. It's HOT outside.

Some see Sunday as their day with the LORD. Some see it as their time with their church family. Some see it as a time to go out and play. Some see Sunday as the lazy day to sit around. Typically, Sept 1st and 2nd are marked and regarded as "the end of Summer". Kids are going back to school after their Summer break. Sunday is all of these things. My Sunday happens to include a time to worship GOD with my church family. I don't see my life as anything less than loving GOD and building my relationship with HIM.

The above video really speaks out to me on that. I love these kids. I've watched them grow up through these videos. Today, they posted this video from a concert last night. Lord, I Need You... And how I need YOU!!

Please join in if you haven't yet. Sunday's not over yet... Click the image.


  1. Beautiful words from a beautiful heart.

  2. I love being introduced to new artists. thanks for sharing their message and music.
