Friday, May 28, 2010

What's up!?!

Well... God's changed my direction of things briefly. He's working something out for me to post. It's big and mighty! Be ready to brace yourselves.

Until then, I'm posting some meme stuff over here: LiveJournal. Come on over and play along, or not! Just take in some fun. It's ok to have fun ya know! This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. It denotes the start of Summer for most Americans. All sorts of fun to be had! Don't miss out!

Check out my friend Nichole's blog post about Celebrating. Are you celebrating? If not, why? God celebrates you!


  1. Hello my friend...I can't help but read this post and wonder why our beautiful state did NOT get the memo about summer needing to be here...this wind and rain...yikes!

    I look forward to your next post!!!

  2. I could use some fun right about now. Been another busy day, but I've made some real headway with the packing. Can't wait to read about what God is doing in your life.


  3. Hi dear friend,

    Been a minute since I last visited with you but you are NEVER far from my heart of prayer.

    Looking forward to hearing/reading the something BIG God is working out as you know we belong to and serve a BIG GOD indeed so I'm sure whatever it is will bless you; us and honor HIM. Amen?! Amen!

    Love you much. Remain in HIM as you are. I'm sure you make HIM smile!
