Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Fill-ins [20100212]

Click image to join Friday Fill-ins. we go!

1. Pickled eggs.
2. Resting at home.
3. The snow is up some people's eyeballs.
4. I love to commune with and in nature.
5. It's 5:16 PM; that means it's hammer-time.
6. My shoe size is hard to find.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to preparing for the weekend, tomorrow my plans include enjoying the day; it's our 11th anniversary, and Sunday, I want to spend some time getting ready for the Valentine's Jazz/Swing Dance in the evening!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Kimberly:
    Enjoy your "love" weekend; I'll be spending it with husband and kids per usual.

    Loved your thoughts on God's love; haven't had time to watch the videos, but will try and get back to them this weekend. Kids are off school today...


  2. Loved the shout out to hammer time!

  3. My shoe size is also hard to find. And it is always going to be extra bucks when I found the perfect fit! :)
    Have a wonderful Valentine!!

  4. I used to go swing dancing a lot when I lived in Northern Virginia. There was great live band that would play in an old dance hall. Have fun. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Ooh hammer-time...! I love dancing too, I hope you will have a blast this coming Valentines day.. have fun.. I wish you all the best! ~hugs~

    By the way, thanks for stopping-by.

    My Friday Fill-ins

  6. Have a happy anniversary, thanks for dropping at my blog.
