Thursday, January 07, 2010

Thankful Thursday - 01/07/2010

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey
Welcome to Thankful Thursday! If you'd like to participate, just click the image to be teleported to original post and copy the code for image. Next write down five things you are thankful for this week. It's that easy!

My list for this week:

1. I'm so very thankful for a loving God who meets my needs.
2. I'm so very thankful for the new blog series God has given me. See it here.
3. Also, I came across this other blogger who started a photo a day journal. She started it last year. I've decided to adopt it too. I have a new blog: P365 to memorialize my images. Check it out. It's only the first week.
4. I'm as thankful for my loving, caring and kind husband as a person could be. He's doing so well in his spiritual growth and at his new job.
5. I'm so thankful of the beauty of God's creation and the artwork created in nature.


  1. Hey Kimberly, I ride a Heritage Softail and L.O.V.E it! You have a fabulous list of thankfuls. I participated in Sara's Project 365 last year. It's great fun. Can't wait to see your photos. Blessings, SusanD

  2. I ride a Fatboy, and enjoy the peace that washes over me when I've had a stressful day. Neat list of thanksgiving, what a blessing we have to enjoy precious husbands that are so loving and kind.

  3. I really like your blog series idea! You have a Great thankful list as well.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Beautiful list. Praise God for these blessings.

  5. Like your Thankfuls, and thank you for visiting my place earlier in the week!
