
The god of greed is a cheat. His delights have the power to dazzle and excite but they can satisfy nobody. - John White
Proverbs 1:15-19
15 My child, don’t go along with them!
Stay far away from their paths.
16 They rush to commit evil deeds.
They hurry to commit murder.
17 If a bird sees a trap being set,
it knows to stay away.
18 But these people set an ambush for themselves;
they are trying to get themselves killed.
19 Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money;
it robs them of life.
If you've ever dealt with greedy people you know about this. Honestly, our world is full of greed. It affects everyone in some fashion or another. We hear & read about the gas prices a lot. Those controlling it are no doubt greedy. What about the glutton who can't seem to get enough. In the glutton's eyes there's never enough. They will go after what they want and trample those in their path. Experience that? Yea, thought so. It's a mental issue and satan is the controller. Such deception. As God's word says in v. 19-it robs them of life. I also read in one or two scriptures that they will not inherit the Kingdom of God. I didn't want to overload my post with verses. You can search online for scripture that mention greed. You'll find plenty. God does not like the proud and greedy attitudes & behavior. We must repent and seek God's forgiveness and lean not unto our own understanding. Let God have it. He'll take care of you.
Prayer: Dear Father God, I lift up this greediness to You. I pray Father that those who suffer with greed will seek You and repent. I pray they will finally experience joy and Your grace with mercy laced in. Your mercy & grace sees us all through even when we don't deserve it. Thank YOU Father God for loving and caring for us so much. Thank You for giving us Your Son, Jesus as our savior. I love You Father God. In Jesus' name, amen.

Greed definitely steals much from mankind. I've felt the effects firsthand from chasing it. Bankruptcy hurts. Obviously, I found out the hard way. Money doesn't fill the hole, only Jesus does.
Have a great week!