Thursday, March 08, 2012

[20120408] - Thankful Thursday

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Psalm 26:6-7 CJB
- 6 I will wash my hands in innocence and walk around your altar, ADONAI, 7 lifting my voice in thanks and proclaiming all your wonders.

All to often we fall into this place of complacency and grumpiness. Generally unhappy. Basically, having a self pity party. That's toxic. I find myself before the Throne of GOD this morning. I praise HIM lifting my hands high in thanks and proclaiming all HIS wonders. I'm a child of The Most High King... Yeshua, The Messiah. There's no better place to be! AMEN!
Laurie is our host for Thankful Thursday. Click here to join in the thankfulness today.

1 comment:

  1. Praising God gets rid of all those horrid toxins and breathes fresh life into the soul. Thank you for a great reminder :)
