Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Psalm 126 A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem.
1 When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem,
      it was like a dream!
 2 We were filled with laughter,
      and we sang for joy.
   And the other nations said,
      “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.”
 3 Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us!
      What joy!

What does it mean? Dream.

I'll tell you.
  • Dream: to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.
  • Fancy: a mental image or conception.
  • Suppose: to assume (something) is true.
Dreaming can be a joyous moment. We hear talk all around us about dreams/dreaming. There's people who even interpret dreams. In God's word of the OT we read in Daniel about this. It's prophecy. We read in other books of the Bible, Ezekiel, for one, how dreams/visions are given from God. Some place great value on dreams. They believe dreams hold truth to reality.

There's another type of dream. Ideas and concepts people hold. Things people want to accomplish in their lives. Some call the dream a wish list or even a bucket list. They are desires people hold to achieve.

Along life's road I feel I've lost my "Dream". I've held a couple grandiose dreams. I hear people speak about it. One such person is: Lisa Whittle, author. The link is to her latest vlog post about her dream.

Dreams can be a very good thing as long as their focus is to honor and glorify God. I suppose my life to be a dream achieved to honor and glorify God. I don't desire a materialistic life. I'm content with what God supplies me.

However, we can become complacent in our lifestyle. Just getting by. "How does this honor and glorify God?", I ask myself. I ask you also. In the scripture at the beginning in Psalm 126 it speaks of joy, laughter and amazing things.

Sitting back and re-evaluating my life I'm called to be real with myself. At this moment nothing amazing is happening to honor and glorify God. What about you? Are you in denial of your dream to honor and glorify God?

Prayer: Dear Father God in Heaven, I lift up all of Your complacent children and seek Your uplifting in our lives right now. Give us the joy, laughter and amazing thing to honor and glorify You. I pray Father God that You use each of us in a mighty way so that there's no mistake that it's YOU who is in control. I thank You in advance for hearing and answering my prayer. In The Name of Yeshua, The Messiah, amen.

1 comment:

  1. This morning, while working through my current Bible study, the focus was on lost dreams...

    I think God is speaking to me about this, especially since I'm reading about here at your blog.

    I asked Him about my dreams this morning... about if there are any left or if I've really held any lifelong ones. Such a good time of reflection, albeit painful.

    I believe that God gives us the capacity dream, and when we do so alongside his understanding, he births in us a new desire for new things that only he can orchestrate and manage. That's the kind of dreaming I want to do, sister.

    Prayers and hugs to you this day!

