Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Becoming More Christ-Like

Today, waiting in my inbox for me, was the below devotion. Click the link and read it. It is short. Read this verse: 2 Cor 3.18. It's the verse offered in his devotion. He only provides a piece of it. I say read the entire thing.
Becoming More Christ-Like (prt 1) | The Vine
Now, put yourself there. Really there! Allow God/Holy Spirit/Jesus to wash over you and through you. Feel HIS presence.

I sit in awe of God, The Father. He takes something as broken as me and transforms me into something so beautiful for HIS purpose. What do I do? I take control of me and muck everything up with all life's baggage. We all do it.

HE still has patience with us. HE is still there by our side waiting for us to turn to HIM and surrender our all to HIM.

It is time! Look, as the scripture says: "with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord", surrender our ALL to HIM and allow HIM to transform us in HIS glory. Allow HIS presence in.

Just like the devotion mentions, life isn't without trials. It helps to build character. We don't have to lose our personality. His devotion explains it so well.

Are you willing? Let HIM in.

I had a heavy heart this week over something that was ripping and tearing at me. Like a wild dog tearing the flesh of its prey. Last night, the burden was lifted away. The Holy Spirit comforted me. I am now at peace knowing that God is working things out in me and with those around me. I finally let HIM ALL in last night. It all became clear to me that God is always there to take us through our trials and build our character moment by moment to be more Christ-Like. If only, we let HIM ALL in.

Are you willing? Let HIM in.

Prayer: Dear Father God, LORD Jesus, I lift up heavy hearts to YOU right now. I pray LORD, that people who are holding out will give into YOU and allow YOU in. I pray that their burdens will be lifted so they can see with unveiled face into the glory of GOD and know that YOU will meet their needs and build their character transforming them to be more Christ-Like. I praise YOU, LORD. I thank YOU, LORD. In Jesus' name, amen.


  1. Amen,glad you are feeling better.

  2. Is there any more worthy a goal than to become more like Him? I think not! It blesses me greatly to think He actually places such a desire in my heart to begin with, then sets about making it so.

    What an amazing God! And what an amazing new year He's given us ahead to witness the plans & purposes He has in store for us.


