Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer 09

I'm joining Tiffany from Tea With Tiffany in posting images of my Summer. I do not have many because as many of you, my readers, know of the miracle that saved my marriage. I shared previously in my "Miracle from God" post. As I told Tiffany, my Summer has just begun. Below is a slideshow of the images I've captures between May and this month. Everything before August was just classic moments I caught a shot of. Everything dated Aug 09 is since our miracle. Not many pix yet because a lot of our time is spent on the motorcycle just taking in the scenery as we ride. Gorgeous creation of GOD!

I have to praise the Lord God for this miracle... He's taken away my Fibromyalgia pain. I've gotten more done in this past two weeks than have in months. Even though I'm a bit tired, a good tired, I'm so excited about life! WOO HOO! PRAISE GOD!


  1. Thank you so much, Kimberly. Every picture you shared is beautiful. Loved the lighthouse and seeing you and Paul next to your bikes.

    Father God, bless Kimberly with many summer days, starting now. Give her joy and hope and a mega dose of love. In Jesus name, Amen.

  2. Great pics to hold on to great memories!

  3. Good to "see" you! Love the lighthouse.


  4. Wonderful photos Kimberly, and wonderful news about your marriage and relief from your fibromyalgia pain. You are blessed! :)
