Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Carbon River Run

Below is a slideshow of images from a run we made to Carbon River August 30th, 2009 just before sunset. From our home to the location in images was a one hr ride. So, total trip was 2 hrs.

God's creation and wonders never cease to amaze me. HIS word tells us when He was finished creating he said It was very good, [Genesis 1:31 - Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.] I agree with that decision as well.



  1. Beautiful photos Kimberly. God certainly does know how to do it right! :)

  2. I live in such flat country, it's sometimes hard for me to imagine such beauty. I wish I lived closer to more of this! Thanks for sharing.


  3. I enjoyed the beautiful photos. All that GOD has created is so beautiful.

    Blessings and peace dear sister. Keeping you on my heart.

  4. Beautiful! Enjoying God's creation with you.

    Happy labor day,
    Sonya Lee

  5. I am like you in the fact that I am always amazed at God's creation. Loved the pics of Carbon River Run.
    Thank you for posting them.

